How much risk do you allow in your life?
This comes down to values first.
For example, if you value freedom, you give up some safety along the way. If I value having my own small business, I give up all the benefits that come with working for a company.
So, before we continue, know this… if one of your values involves mitigating risk as much as possible, then this may be a more challenging thing for you to allow into your life… and THAT IS OK.
Afterall, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs theorizes this.
With this knowledge being possibly true for us, it makes sense for us to innately avoid risk. Especially if we don’t have some of the basics that provide a secure feeling as we walk through life. What also matters here is our programming, (take note of this idea in our last blog).
Risk is how anyone dares great. If we walk around terrified of risk, we don’t take chances. Taking chances will make you feel ALIVE. If you find yourself living the Groundhog Day a little too often, take a risk. Do something new.
When taking a risk here are a few thoughts
Go into it without having all the tools, skills, knowledge, or resources first. Most of us tell ourselves to gain all of this before the risk taking, I challenge you to do the opposite.
The longer you wait and find out how hard it may be to take the risk, the less likely you will go through with it and the less likely you will create change. In fact, you will probably talk yourself out of it... and you will remain the same.
Being naive about the risk can be a competitive advantage. It allows you to move forward. THROUGH THE PROCESS is how we learn, build skills, knowledge, resources, and tools that we need to move through the risk.
This doesn’t mean go through life not mitigating risk.
It does mean… have some discernment of where you can take risk and take it often.
If you seek change anywhere in life, where can you take a risk?
See ya out there,
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to come learn, grow, and adapt. We aim to create
roots in the Bellingham community and help to
make a difference in the lives of people we work
with as they make a difference in ours.
(360) 317-2055
3115 Mercer Ave Suite 105, Bellingham WA 98226