
Developing A Vision

June 05, 20244 min read

Is developing a vision important? Does your gym have one? Your workplace?

Why might a vision be important in life?

Developing a vision may sound obvious to you...

or maybe it doesn't.

Whether we overlook the obvious or we haven't brought this into our day to day lives...

Developing a vision for ourselves, and being part of environments that have one could be beneficial...

... If we want to be part of something bigger.

Developing Visions

Here are a few reasons to develop one...

1. It gives you direction.

 A vision can provide long term strategy.

It isn't something we have to stick to with rigidity, as that doesn't allow much space for this human experience we are all in.

But it can be something we realign ourselves to at any given moment.

In moments of decision making, it can provide clarity.

What really matters to you? Does this align with where I want to go, who I imagine myself to be?

As it relates to Wildwoods... developing a vision lets YOU know...where we are going.

It helps us to organize our priorities so that, when challenges arise, as they inevitably will, everyone involved understands our goals. It enables all of us, as leaders, to commit repeatedly and persist in moving forward.

2. It provides motivation

Let's face it, motivation is fleeting.

We often feel it when starting a new journey, but the question is how it endures during the long, tedious days of effort necessary to achieve something truly worthwhile.

When we lose motivation, we can set reset our attention on the intentions we have for ourselves

And with a vision...

It's easier to adhere to that intention when the situation becomes unclear.

Wildwoods Vision

We developed this vision for the gym after 12+ years of experience in the industry.

This experience means nothing other than what it is.

It means we failed over and over... and over again.

And... that is exactly the point of life.

This new vision we have for the gym is really important to us.

Creating a vision can instill significant meaning in our lives.


Creating a vision

Coaching is the value we provide and the thing we will always fall back on.

The coach/student relationship is invaluable.

We can probably all figure out where to go and how to do the thing all on our own, but coaches give us the feedback and direction along the way.

In any endeavor you pursue, seeking a coach in that area can lead to remarkable outcomes.



Community keeps you going!

Doing things alone is great, doing things with other people, especially significant and meaningful pursuits... provides much more.

Imagine every great team in history... from the dynasty era Lakers, the navy our own origins in tribes...

Doing hard things with others makes all the difference.

Especially in the gym.


Training, Workout

Development is the entire point of doing anything.

In the gym, we mean development as it relates to the process that we go through when we opt into the training, the coaching we receive, and being involved in a community.

Most of us start off with goals of changing our bodies.

What it becomes is so much more than that.

It would be hard to fully explain that to you without experiencing it for yourself, but part of our vision is to create a space where we all develop our entire being.

When we go through something simple like training for a specific goal like losing weight, we end up getting brought into a process of doing something challenging every day, getting better at it, and eventually getting benefits outside of just the physical.

We learn, we grow, and we adapt.

If you aren't adapting, you're dying... as the saying goes.


1: Build a "vision board"

This can be a literal board you can see every day (highly recommended), or a something you write in a journal, notecards, etc.

This serves as a constant reminder of where you want to be going.

Get creative, allow time and space to really think this through.

Draw, cut out images, words, phrases... make it something you enjoy doing.

2: Add your personal and professional goals

Put everything into perspective.

What do you want for your life?

What matters to you most?

Think about your purpose/what makes you happy, how you want to eat to fuel your brain and your body, how you want to move, and how you want to rest.

What movement practice is important for your body?

What quite time items are important to you (mediation, breathwork, journaling, sleeping).

Our vision of coaching, community, and development allows us to be doing what we love.

It allows us to align ourselves.

Knowing the vision for yourself and the other areas of life you care about goes a long way in feeling alive.

Keep going.

Coach D.

Born in Texas, Daniel began his Strength & Conditioning journey in high school where he found more joy in the actual training for sport than the sport itself. While pursuing a Sport & Exercise Science in college, he was blessed to become an intern at a local Strength & Conditioning gym that was also a CrossFit gym. It was there under the guidance of his first Mentor he began his coaching journey. This eventually led to taking over ownership of CrossFit Bothell in Bothell, WA in Jan of 2020. After 4 years of learning and growth, he is excited to start a brand new gym community in Bellingham, WA. Daniel believes in what a gym can do for humans. How it can become a place to receive coaching and feedback, to be vulnerable and struggle with others. He believes it's a place to learn, grow, and adapt in many more ways than simply improving ones body. He believes in a holistic approach to fitness.

Daniel Weaver

Born in Texas, Daniel began his Strength & Conditioning journey in high school where he found more joy in the actual training for sport than the sport itself. While pursuing a Sport & Exercise Science in college, he was blessed to become an intern at a local Strength & Conditioning gym that was also a CrossFit gym. It was there under the guidance of his first Mentor he began his coaching journey. This eventually led to taking over ownership of CrossFit Bothell in Bothell, WA in Jan of 2020. After 4 years of learning and growth, he is excited to start a brand new gym community in Bellingham, WA. Daniel believes in what a gym can do for humans. How it can become a place to receive coaching and feedback, to be vulnerable and struggle with others. He believes it's a place to learn, grow, and adapt in many more ways than simply improving ones body. He believes in a holistic approach to fitness.

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