Bellingham, Workouts, Gym

We are NOT a workout provider.

June 28, 20243 min read

Workouts are free, why invest in a gym when you can search any ol training plan online and get to work?

A workout vs a coaching experience.

The digital world provides us some blessings. One of those being an infinite number of workouts, training plans, and programs all for our favorite price, FREE.

It doesn't stop there. You can also do one of the following.

A one-time investment into an at home gym.

A $10 membership to your local planet fitness...(be sure you don't drop any weights doe).


Walk, hike, swim... pushups and sit ups at the park... you get the idea.

So, the question must be asked...why would you invest in a coaching program?

Gym, Bellingham, Fitness, Workout, Coaching

1. Develop a movement practice

Working out is great. For many of us, simply moving more is a good goal that is often challenging enough. How many of you struggle to stick with "working out" though? What if you turned that on its head and developed a movement practice instead. One that is created by professionals that allows you to get bought into this process that could last a lifetime. Like a martial art, what we do in the gym is ever evolving. It is a process that has movements and skills a beginner can master and evolves into movements and skills a master continues to master along the way. There will always be refinement, rebuilding, and loading, skills, and mindsets to embody. When you have a movement practice, you have a process....when you have a process... you don't arrive at a destination.

2. Coaches eye

It would be pretty cool if we could see ourselves. But...we can't. A good coach can be a mirror that speaks back to things you don't even see. A good coach is a teacher, they meet you where you're at and guide you throughout your practice. They offer up timely cue's and deliver feedback you may not want to hear. They don't let you lie to yourself; they keep your ego in check, and they do it to help you improve.

3. Coach/Student relationship

The best way to get good at anything is to hire a coach. This is true in developing any skill you wish to attain. It's also pretty nice that it can be the fastest way to develop said skill in this world of quick fixes. A coach/student relationship requires trust and willingness on both parts. A good coach develops this upfront. A good coach provides a safe container you can express, be vulnerable with, and explore your limiting beliefs and edges.

It takes quite the person to jump into an environment full of feedback on how to improve. It takes quite the person to seek out ways to improve to begin with.

We do not provide workouts for people. We offer a training program where workouts do happen, yes, but our value and what we encourage you to seek out is much more than this.

If you do not like being coached, we are not for you. Being coached is what we provide. Being coached is where the real value lies.

See ya out there 👊


Born in Texas, Daniel began his Strength & Conditioning journey in high school where he found more joy in the actual training for sport than the sport itself. While pursuing a Sport & Exercise Science in college, he was blessed to become an intern at a local Strength & Conditioning gym that was also a CrossFit gym. It was there under the guidance of his first Mentor he began his coaching journey. This eventually led to taking over ownership of CrossFit Bothell in Bothell, WA in Jan of 2020. After 4 years of learning and growth, he is excited to start a brand new gym community in Bellingham, WA. Daniel believes in what a gym can do for humans. How it can become a place to receive coaching and feedback, to be vulnerable and struggle with others. He believes it's a place to learn, grow, and adapt in many more ways than simply improving ones body. He believes in a holistic approach to fitness.

Daniel Weaver

Born in Texas, Daniel began his Strength & Conditioning journey in high school where he found more joy in the actual training for sport than the sport itself. While pursuing a Sport & Exercise Science in college, he was blessed to become an intern at a local Strength & Conditioning gym that was also a CrossFit gym. It was there under the guidance of his first Mentor he began his coaching journey. This eventually led to taking over ownership of CrossFit Bothell in Bothell, WA in Jan of 2020. After 4 years of learning and growth, he is excited to start a brand new gym community in Bellingham, WA. Daniel believes in what a gym can do for humans. How it can become a place to receive coaching and feedback, to be vulnerable and struggle with others. He believes it's a place to learn, grow, and adapt in many more ways than simply improving ones body. He believes in a holistic approach to fitness.

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