What are you becoming?
I saw this quote the other day and deeply resonated with it. Take a moment to sit with it.
This quote comes after our last blog on RISK. Go check that out if you haven't.
This is another example of taking risk.
Yet in this example, the river has no choice but enter the ocean. The choice the river does have, is whether or not it views the transformation that will take place as a disappearing or a BECOMING.
In what areas of life, or the lens you perceive life through, are you in a similar position?
How are you looking at the unknown future? However dismal it could appear to you now.
Are you willing to give things up that aren't serving you?
Are you afraid of becoming something new?
The river is vastly different than the ocean. You can imagine the fear it may have. Let's also imagine the river knew, the second it began flowing, that it's inevitably going to run into the great unknown of the ocean and it has no idea the outcome of itself mixing with that saltwater. Let's also say the river begins to enjoy that journey through those mountains, forests, and villages.
How might this relate to death?
Or... how might it relate to a forever ... becoming?
Stay becoming.
See ya out there,